Governance Process Flows

[Orange w/ Square Brackets reflect my commentary]

Inclusive/Slow Governance


Consensus Phase

This phase of Governance caters to big picture decisions, silo funding, and new initiatives.


  1. Ideation/brainstorming💡: Ideas for Silos and projects can come from anywhere. This process is organic and can occur offline, in the discord, on a call, wherever. Anyone can have a good idea. But for it to become a successful product or silo, it needs to be honed and refined.


  2. Post Formalized Consensus Proposal 📝: Once the idea for a silo has been discussed and honed enough where it meets the criteria to be presented, it must be posted to the governance forum as a Consensus Proposal where it can be reviewed and critiqued. [We need a set of standards for what must be included in a proposal as well as a minimum time to be discussed.]


  3. Vetting of Proposal 👀: Once posted on the forum, all interested stakeholders should weigh in on the idea. Constructive Feedback is good! It makes proposals stronger. This is where standards are upheld, half baked ideas are flagged, and the proposer is nudged into fleshing out any missing pieces. Governance stewards should clarify and assist with this process.


  4. Adjustment/Changes (if desired)📝: The original proposer of the Silo should consider the feedback and make any changes to the proposal that they think are necessary. Not following the accepted standards may prevent a good proposal from passing. [How do we enforce this? It starts with following them ourselves]


  5. Consensus Voting (Snapshot) 🗳️: Once the Silo proposal has been finalized, it can be submitted to snapshot for a vote. This proposal should contain a link back to the forum post and voting options should accurately represent the decision to be made. Snapshot votes should not be rushed.


  6. Next Steps ✅❌: If the vote passes, this successfully completes the consensus phase. A Silo has now been created, but has not yet been funded. Funding occurs via the On-Chain Execution Phase.

    New silo members should coordinate with the core infrastructure team to set up the relevant discord, discourse, and notion channels.

    If the vote fails, the proposer should try to gather information about why it did not pass and can propose an amended Consensus Proposal when they feel it is ready to resubmit.



On-Chain Execution Phase

The On-Chain Execution phase takes the decisions approved by token holders in the Consensus Phase and executes the portions of them that require interaction with the YAM treasury and governance contracts. This involves funding a new Silo from the YAM Treasury. This work is coordinated by the Core Infrastructure Silo, which is responsible for compiling and deploying monthly on-chain transactions.
