Silos are how the Yam DAO coordinates and funds larger-scale projects and long-term developments.

The DAO is initially pursuing three Silos; funding and managing our Operations, building our Yam Synths platform, and our Museum of Fine Yams NFT hub.

Anybody can contribute to an existing Silo or propose a new Silo for the DAO to approve.

Our Silos


The Operations Silo is tasked with the day to day running of the organization, from managing bounties and the treasury to smart contract development.

Visit Our Operations Silo


Yam Synths is our powerful derivatives platform built on UMA infrastructure.

Access innovative decentralized financial products, earn yield, and much more.


MoFY is Yam DAO’s NFT branch, featuring NFT drops, curated artist exhibitions, and metaverse events!


What would you like to see the DAO prioritize? Submit an idea for a new Silo here.

How Silos Work


Operations Silo